CEE Cooperation Summit – Europe’s Rising Power

The Central Eastern Europe and Three Seas Initiative Conference is a unique opportunity to delve into the challenges and opportunities that define the CEE region, while also exploring the synergies and cooperation fostered by the Three Seas Initiative. This initiative, spanning the area between the Baltic, Adriatic, and Black Seas, aims to bolster economic growth, infrastructure development, and energy security across its member countries.


Powering progress unleashing the potential of energy transformation in CEE

China’s impact on CEE the 3SI, the belt and road, and beyond

The Three Seas Initiative Summit in Bucharest 2023

Looking ahead: the Three Seas Initiative in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria

Disarming Disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe

Energy security vs. Energy independence

The Indo-Pacific and CEE

The untapped potential of Three Seas Initiative

Slovenia's and Romania's Perspective on 3SI

What is next for Bulgaria and Croatia in the Three Seas Initiative

Baltic States - Poland in Three Seas Initiative

Three Seas Partnership - Hungary in the Three Seas Initiative

The Three Seas Initiative and the Baltics - beyond fruitful transatlantic cooperation

Cooperation in the framework of the Three Seas Inititative - Czech Republic and Poland

Three Seas Partnership - Słowacja i Austria w Inicjatywie Trójmorza

Three Seas Partnership - Perspektywy Austrii i Bułgarii

Partnerstwo państw Trójmorza — Z punktu widzenia Polski i Chorwacji

Prelegentami, którzy wzięli udział w tym wydarzeniu byli: Liliana Śmiech, wiceprezes Warsaw Institute, Matej Keckes, ekspert Biura Łącznikowego Parlamentu Europejskiego w Zagrzebiu oraz prof. Piotr Bajda, politolog, profesor w katedrze stosunków międzynarodowych i katedrze stosunków międzynarodowych i europeistyki Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego… więcej>>

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