CEE Cooperation Summit – Europe’s Rising Power

The Central Eastern Europe and Three Seas Initiative Conference is a unique opportunity to delve into the challenges and opportunities that define the CEE region, while also exploring the synergies and cooperation fostered by the Three Seas Initiative. This initiative, spanning the area between the Baltic, Adriatic, and Black Seas, aims to bolster economic growth, infrastructure development, and energy security across its member countries.

🔷 Panel 1 – Engines of economic growth in CEE
🔷 Panel 2 – Future of the 3SI
🔷 Panel 3.1 – Energy: key to security and competitiveness
🔷Panel 3.2 – Role of infrastructure in the 3SI
🔷Panel 4.1 – War in Ukraine and its impact on the eastern flank of NATO
🔷 Panel 4.2 – Information war in CEE
🔷 Panel 5.1 – Security of the region: threats, challenges, and solutions
🔷 Panel 5.2 – Defence in the 3SI

Thank you for joining us for this event. See the video above to watch the summary.

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